Photochemical Smog and Prevention
Class 3/1 Group Members: Shushanik (11), Jun Bin (12), Bob (13) and Chin Kiat (26)
What is photochemical smog? What are the pollutants involved?
Explanation using concepts learnt
(chemical bonding, acid & bases, particulate model of nature)
it’s “haze in the atmosphere accompanied by high levels of ozone and nitrogen oxides, caused by the action of sunlight on pollutants.” photochemical smog is composed of primary pollutants (eg oxides of nitrogen and volatile organic compounds) and secondary pollutants
(like ozone, which is
Analysis relevant graph/table
(link to the graph/table) Interesting information Source
smog is mixture of smoke + fog
Gow, T., &
Pidwirny, M.
photochemical smog. Living landscapes (pp. ).
Retrieved from http://dwb4.unl.ed u/Chem/CHEM86
ks/royal.okanagan. mosphereandclima te/smog.html. See more at: ex.php#sthash.zT9
Contributors' names
(Last edited date). Title of resource. Retrieved from http://Web address formed from the reaction of primary pollutants with UV light) Peroxyacetyl
Nitrates (PAN) formed by the reaction of NO2 and
What are the causes? What are the sources of the pollutants? What kind of reactions occur?
What are the effects of photochemical smog on health and environment?
What are possible consequences?
Groundlevel ozone, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and carbon monoxide are especially harmful for senior citizens, children, and people with heart and lung conditions such as emphysema, bronchitis, and asthma. ournal/1359642715J ASR_2609111.pdf
It can inflame breathing passages, decrease the lungs' working capacity and cause shortness of breath, pain when inhaling deeply,