The first character that caught my eye was Mrs. Hatsuyo Nakamura, who was a widow that lived in Hiroshima. She barely escaped that disaster of the explosion that destroyed her home. After the bomb, she scrambled to find her three children, who were lucky to be alive. …show more content…
It shows people what really happened and how the actions and decisions of one country have consequences to another. Even today we can see the consequences of war through the eyes of journalism. Hersey’s book was accurate in the eyes of the people he described. People may not describe the experience the same, but this book was about how it affected their lives.
It is hard to say if the atomic bomb was justified or not. Part of me wants to say no, there is ever a reason to drop an atomic bomb on someone. There is no reason to ever put innocent people in that kind of harm. However, on the other side we were at war and we did wat needed to be done to end the war. No life is worth more than someone else’s. From the American side, I could see it being justified. From the Japan side, there will never be any justification.
War is devastating and things are going to happen that people will never agree with. The bombing of Hiroshima is defiantly one of these circumstances. No matter what you think about the war or the justification of the atomic bomb, killing thousands of people will take its toll on