An Undergraduate Thesis
Presented to the Faculty of the
College of Education
Mindanao State University
Marawi City
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of
Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English
Bachelor of Elementary Education Major in General Education
OSAMA‚ Solaim Abbas
MUSTAPHA‚ Aljohn Amor
October 2014
Chapter 1
Thanks to the fact that pioneering projects like PLATO, TICCIT, ALLP, CAMILLA, OLA shed valuable insight to use of technology in education and they all have made their mark on today’s perception of language learning and teaching, CALL has flourished and evolved phenomenally since the 1990s, which is defined as the growth area by Liddell (1994). Since then, the roles for each party in the education process, teachers, students, computers, have been prescribed in a broader sense.
It is a fact that students have changed radically. Today’s students who were born with all these advances are no longer the people our educational system was designed to teach. Students being taught only by the traditional ways cannot defy the need to power down and, thus, they lose focus and motivation. Therefore, educators should learn the new forms instead of forcing learners to stick with the old ways and tune down. Teachers must be prepared for new ways of structuring tasks, establishing exchanges, guiding, monitoring interaction, evaluating performance, and mastering the relevant computer applications. The teachers role has transformed from the lecturer and the only source of information in the classroom to a guide, as they need to provide the necessary tools and materials to facilitate learning.
Rather than passively listening to
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