1952 Petten Street
Brisbane QLD 4000 25 August 2012
Mr R. Murray
Level 7, 68 York St
Dear Mr R. Murray
As per your request I am submitting to you the attached report analysing XXXX Gold Beer in the Australian beer industry titled ‘XXXX Gold in the Australian Beer Industry’, due on the 3 October 2012.
The purpose of this report is to inform you of the company background, product attributes, promotional strategies including target market and marketing mix along with the pricing strategies for XXXX Gold Beer.
Our investigations suggest that XXXX Beer has good market share in the current Australian beer market. However, as outlined in the report falling consumption levels and an increasing number of local and international competitors could reduce this market share if action is not taken.
We have suggested adjustments that could be made to the marketing mix that could potentially help XXXX to compete with international and local competitors in turn resulting in a solid hold on the market share.
I once again thank you for this opportunity. If you have any further questions regarding the content of this report please feel free to contact me on (07) 46613523.
Yours Sincerely
Nicole Ward
Business Consultant
Prepared for: Mr R Murray
Submitted: 3 October 2012
Prepared by:
Nicole Ward
Executive Summary
The below report on XXXX Gold beer in the Australian beer industry reports on the company’s background, the founders Nicholas Fitzgerald and Edward Fitzgerald and the purchase and merge of several companies resulting in the largest Australian owned beer company, the Lion empire. Product information describing XXXX Gold as a product looking at its current industry price and features, taste described as crisp, clean and refreshing, the 3.5 percent alcohol content, 1.9 percent carbohydrate level and the three different
References: Lamb, CW, Hair, JF, McDaniel, C, Summers, J & Gardiner, M 2009, MKTG, 1st Asia-Pacific edn, China Translation & Printing Service, China. XXXX 2012, Viewed 3 August 2012, < http://www.xxxx.com.au/>. Lionco 2012, Lion, Sydney, New South Wales, Viewed 3 August 2012, < http://www.lionco.com/> Dan Murphy’s 2011, Dan Murphy’s, Aplington, Victoria, Viewed 5 August 2012, < http://danmurphys.com.au/dm/home.jsp> Kirkegaard, M 2012, Australia’s most popular beer, Australian Brewers News, Melbourne, Victoria, Viewed 3 August 2012 <www.brewsnews.com.au/2012/05/australias-most-popular-beer/>. Greenblat, E 2012, The Lion 's share keeps growing, Sydney Morning Herald, 3 August, Viewed 5 August 2012 <www.smh.com.au/business/earnings-season/the-lions-share-keeps-growing-20120803-23kev.html>. Wikipedia 2012, Beer in Australia, Wikipedia, Viewed 3 August 2012, <wikipedia.org/wiki/Beer_in_Australia#Brands_by_region>. Australia Institute of Health and Wealthfare 2010, Drinking patterns in Australia, Canberra, ACT, Viewed 15 August 2012, <http://www.aihw.gov.au/publication-detail/?id=6442472461>. Australian Bureau of Statistics 2012, Alcohol Consumption in Australia, Cabberra, ACT, Viewed 15 August 2012, www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/abs@.nsf/Lookup/4832.0.55.001main+features42007-08