The axe makers gifts for chapter 10 was Population forecasts(managing population). The gifts made it easier for leaders to extend their power to shape communities through the increasing command of information. The short-term gifts generated, long-term problems because of the way, innovations proliferate, they interact and cause unexpected effects. Acceptance of each gift changed the way humans saw their relationship with each other and with nature.
The development of agriculture led to the innovations of Egyptian irrigation, Roman wheeled plows, the fodder crops of 17th century Holland, and 18th century fertilizers. This string of gifts has culminated in what has been called the Green Revolution. The catch was the dependence of these strains on chemical fertilizers, increased water irrigation, and farm machinery. Water scarcity was common in 26 countries, including Russia, the Middle East, and the Southwestern United States.
More than 70,000 years ago specialist axemaker gifts ensured the survival of those who lived on coastlines with harpoons, hooks, and nets for fishing.Thanks to better ships, safer navigation, weather forecasting, radar, and the many other industrial innovations, which made it easier to plough the oceans.