The Bachelor vs. The Bachelorette
“The Bachelor vs. The Bachelorette” For over a decade ABC’s hit television shows The Bachelor and The Bachelorette have been captivating the hearts of audiences everywhere. The Bachelorette is a spin-off of The Bachelor, which first aired in 2002. Although these two shows both have the same underlying concepts, they are very different. The Bachelor is a show that focuses on one man attempting to find love between twenty-five women, and The Bachelorette is about one woman attempting to find love between twenty-five men. This is an elimination competition. At the end of each episode, there is a rose ceremony. The bachelor or bachelorette reflects on who he or she can still see as a possible soul mate. Anyone who receives a rose stays, and those who come up empty handed are forced to take the limo ride home. Although both of these shows are extremely popular among most all audiences, The Bachelorette tends to appeal more to female audiences than The Bachelor for several reasons.
The Bachelor first started off as an extremely popular show, but then by the ninth season viewership began to decline. The producers decided to create The Bachelorette in order to see if it could help improve ratings, and it did. The Bachelorette is easier for audiences to watch for many reasons, but female audience members especially. Female audience members can feel a special connection with the woman chosen as the bachelorette because they become so emotionally invested in her journey, as if it was her own. If a guy breaks her heart, you’re automatically going to hate him and cry for her. If she chooses the bad boy over the good boy, you’re going to cry for the good boy and hate her. The way the producers designed the show is to purposefully draw you in by your emotions, whether they be actual occurrences or just scenarios staged by producers. Audiences desperately want the bachelorette to find love and happiness, because who doesn’t love a good love story, right?
Another reason The