
The Balanced Scorecard: Structure and Use in Canadian

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The Balanced Scorecard: Structure and Use in Canadian


A Thesis Submitted to the College of Graduate Studies and Research in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in the Department of Accounting
University of Saskatchewan

Marvin J. Soderberg

Copyright Marvin Soderberg April 2006. All Rights Reserved. Use shall not be made of the material contained herein without proper acknowledgement, as indicated on the following page.


The author has agreed that the Library, University of Saskatchewan, may make this thesis freely available for inspection. Moreover, the author has agreed that permission for extensive copying of this thesis for scholarly purposes ma y be granted by the professor who supervised the thesis work recorded herein or, in his absence, by the
Head of the Department of Accounting, or the Dean of the College of Commerce. It is understood that due recognition will be given to the author of this thesis and to the
University of Saskatchewan in any use of the material in this thesis. Copying or publication or any other use of the thesis for financial gain without approval by the
University of Saskatchewan and the author’s written permission is prohibited.

Requests for permission to copy or make any use of the material in this thesis in whole or in part should be addressed to:

Head of the Department of Accounting
University of Saskatchewan
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan



This thesis develops a balanced scorecard model based on the attributes of Kaplan and Norton’s Balanced Scorecard (1992, 1996, 2001). The model is then operationalized using a survey that is administered to CMAs (Certified Management Accountants) employed by for profit, Canadian companies with greater than 51 employees. One hundred and forty nine usable responses were received. The thesis attempts to answer two

Bibliography: Argyris, C. 1982. Reasoning, Learning and Action: Individual and Organizational. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Argyris, C. 1991. Teaching Smart People How to Learn. Harvard Business Review. 69(3): 99-109 Behn, B.K., and R.A. Riley. 1999. Using Nonfinancial Information to Predict Financial Performance: The Case of the U.S Bromowich, M. 1990. The Case for Strategic Management Accounting: The Role of Accounting Information for Strategy in Competitive Markets,” Accounting, Dillman, D. 2000. Mail and Telephone Surveys: The Total Design Method. New York, NY Epstein, M.J., and J. Manzoni. 2002. Performance Measurement and Management Control: A Compendium of Research Foster, G., and S.M. Young. 1997. Frontiers of Management Accounting Research. Journal of Management Accounting Research Fall: 63 - 78 Gordon, L.A., and D. Miller. 1976. A Contingency Framework for the Design of Accounting Information Systems Hoque, Z., and W. James. 2000. Linking Balanced Scorecard measures to size and market factors: Impact on organizational performance Ittner, C. D., D. F. Larker, and M.V.Rajan. 1997. The Choice of Performance Measures in Annual Bonus Contracts Ittner, C. D., and D. F. Larker. 1998. Innovations in performance measurement: trends and research implications Ittner, C. D., and D. F. Larker. 2002. Implementing subjectivity in reward systems: Evidence from a balanced scorecard Ittner, C. D., and D. F. Larker. 2003. Coming Up Short on Nonfinancial Performance Measurement

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