In The Ballad of Mulan, the original poem Disney based the 1998 movie on, there is not a wink of romance in sight. No handsome young prince for the damsel in distress to fall in love with and live happily ever after, unlike the movie. Disney added the character of Li Shang as Mulan’s love interest because all fairy tales should end happily. Throughout the first song, the matchmaker sings “trust me recipe for instant bride, you’ll bring honor to us all,” (Cook). “Honor to Us All” points out that the life goal of a women should be becoming a wife. Having respectable man as a husband is what …show more content…
“It all depends on what she cooks like… beef, pork, chicken… mmmm,” (Cook) says one of the men. His focus on domestic skills portrays the place of a women. Another man says, “I want her paler than the moon, with eyes that shine like stars,” (Cook). Showing a woman's intelligence is not important, only outside beauty. Mulan interrupts adding “how bout a girl who’s got a brain, who always speaks her mind,” (Cook). All the men answer with a no. This again is plainly stated stereotypical gender roles. Women must cook, clean and take care of the children while the man works. A woman’s job is to support and admire her husband, not have strength on her