- The question has been asked, "How do I get the baptism of the Holy Spirit? What is it and how do I get it?".
Before Jesus left, He said to his disciples, "You tarry in Jerusalem until you are endued with power from on high." And He said, "You will receive power after that when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And then you will be my witnesses, in Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria and to the utter-most parts of the earth."
The first thing is power. Now, there are two kinds of power. Jesus said, "I have all power in heaven and earth given unto me. That is a Greek word exousia that means authority.
The other power comes from the word that means dynamite. This is resident power. This other is authority like the president has authority to push a button and incinerate half of the earth. But you will receive resident power after the Holy Spirit is come upon you. He was speaking to people who would already receive the Holy Spirit.
Now, there is, if you will, an indwelling Spirit and an outpoured Spirit. When you receive Jesus, you say, "Jesus is in my heart." What you really are saying is that the Spirit of God is joined with your spirit. And that is the indwelling Spirit that has come within you.
The indwelling Spirit reproduces the life of Jesus, and we have so-called fruit of the
Spirit -- love, joy, peace, longsuffering, patience, gentleness, goodness, faith, et cetera. The fruit of the Spirit.
But there is also, the outpoured Spirit, which is what the baptism is. This is the outpoured Spirit. And this is the Spirit, if you will for power, where Jesus said, "You tarry in Jerusalem until you get it." The outpoured is what we call the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
Now let me give you an example. If I had a glass of water and I drank the water, I would say I have water in me. When you come to the Lord, the Holy Spirit takes you