--------------------------------------15 minutes------------------------------------- I grew up in Lima, the capital of Peru; reunite its populaces from the North, South, East, and Central part of its territory. From the jungle and mountain sides also immigrate to Lima, the City of the Kings was named once with this title by the first conquers from the old world because they were impressed for its beautiful location and climate. We can find a diversity of social status, races, customs, and culinary arts as well.
Twenty years ago, the streets were not pavements and the parks were as deserts with an exception of few trees. The shortage of the vital liquid to survive was a big dilemma for 8 millions of residents. We didn’t have enough water. The unemployment reached its biggest numbers and affected to the most of the residents, but not to the most richest and politicians. In spite of these inconveniences that most of the limeños, residents of Lima, had had in the last 20 years. We are proud of this cosmopolitan city. Its variety of culture and food are a few factors that many tourists fall in love with this city.
It had been my home for twenty years; of course I feel that I belong to that city. It is a shame that for many reason I had to leave the city where I grew up. I can go visit many times if I want to, but it