ANT 101: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
Professor Jason Gonzalez
August 8, 2011
The Basseri Culture of Iran
The Basseri Culture of Iran’s primary mode of subsistence is Pastoralism. The Pastoral lifestyle affects the social, political and economic organization of the Basseri Culture. This lifestyle also dictates the religious convictions, and the social changes of the culture.
According to Barbara Nowak and Peter Laird (2010), “Pastoralism is a subsistence strategy involved in herding animals such as sheep, goats, camels, alpaca, reindeer, and cattle.” (Introduction, Para 1).They also depend on these animals for their survival. In the Basseri Culture, they primarily herd sheep and goat. (Nowak & Laird, 2010) However, according to Carlton Coon, they also raise donkeys, horses, camels, and dogs. (Coon, 2009) The sheep are a special breed that can adapt to this nomadic lifestyle and unless you move them twice a year, 70 to 80% will die. (Coon, 2009). “Usually two to five households pasture their flocks together under the care of a single shepherd, and the herding unit so formed is the second largest unit in Basseri society. It is not based on kinship but on economic need and expediency.” (Coon, 2009, American Anthropologist, page 637). The most important products of the Basseri are milk, lambskins, and wool. The tribe weaves wool and goat hair, and makes their own tent poles, and packsaddles. (Coon, 2009).
The Khan or chief, who exercises great power and authority, is known as the leader in the Basseri Culture. He rules with autocratic authority. (Salzman, 2000). This authority is focused in three areas:
1. Allocating pastures and coordinating tribal migrations; 2. Settling disputes; and 3. Acting as tribal representative to outsiders, including government.
It was the chief’s job to see to it that each received pastures. One way a chief could exercise control is to allocate
References: Amanolahi, S. (2003). SOCIO-POLITICAL CHANGES AMONG THE BASSERI OF SOUTH IRAN Amanolahi, S. (2007). Supernaturalism among the Pastoral Societies of Iran. Iran & The Caucasus, 11(1), 45-55 Carlton S. Coon, (2009) American AnthropologistVolume 64, Issue 3, Retrieved from: Nowak, B., & Laird, P. (2010). Cultural anthropology. San Diego, Bridgepoint Education, Inc. Salzman, P. (2000). Hierarchical Image and Reality: The Construction of a Tribal Chiefship