When the negative feedback come from without you can deal with it better. But look at David; the first one that told him he could not defeat this giant was his own brother. The second person that told him he was not able to prevail against then giant was Saul. If you are going to be successful you can’t listen to what everybody is telling you what you can’t do. You must purpose in your heart that you can and remain determined until the end. It didn’t matter what his brothers said. It didn’t matter what the King said. It didn’t matter what Goliath said. David stuck with his convictions and what God said he could do. As long as you know you can, then don’t worry about what everybody else is saying. There are so many grown men and women right now that are wounded and damaged emotionally because their parents, their brothers and sisters constantly told them they were nothing and they believed it. Well it’s a lie. Did you know that folk told Einstein’s mother that he was mild mentally retarded? But she didn’t believe that. Did you know that folk told Michael Jordan that he wasn’t good enough to make his varsity team? But thank God he didn’t believe …show more content…
He did not lose his cool. He did not get big headed. He did not get arrogant and conceited. He did not go around talking about how bad he was. He did not go around thinking he was all that. No, David remained David. And when you start getting promoted from one level of success to the next don’t get beside yourself. The higher you get the lower you ought to become. Your ultimate success is knowing that when you have made it you didn’t get there on your own. That when you look back over your life, and where God has brought you from, you realize it was because the Lord was on your side. The