
The Battle Of Salamis After The Battle Of Thermopylae

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The Battle Of Salamis After The Battle Of Thermopylae
In August, 480 BC while the Persians took over their city and scorched it, the Athenians fled to Salamis after the Battle of Thermopylae. The Battle of Salamis was a naval battle, which was fought in September, 480 BC between Persia and the Greek city-states. It took place on a small island in the Saronic Gulf near Athens, Greece in the canals between Salamis and Piraeus. Effectively under Themistocles and led by the Spartan Eurybiades, the Greeks had 371 small oared ships known as triremes and pentekonters. 180 ships form Athens, 40 from Corinth, Aegina had 30, 20 from both Chalcis and Megara, 15 from Sicyon, Epidaurus with 10, 7 from both Eretria and Ambracia, 5 from Troizen, Naxos with 4, Leucas and Hermione with 3, Styra, Cythnus, Ceos, Melos all with 2, and 1 from Siphnus, Seriphus, and Croton, yet the Spartans had only given 16 ships to the Greeks, they considered themselves regular leaders and insisted that they would be given command of the joint mission. …show more content…
Setting upon the slopes of Mount Aegaleus on his throne on the shore, Xerxes I was watching the battle from afar in style. Xerxes I was so confident of a victorious win he led the Persians, off the Coast of Salamis Island to meet the Athenian navy, while he was recording the names of commanders who fought predominantly well. On the next morning, exhausted from searching all night for the Greeks the Persians sailed into the canals to attack the Greek navy. The Persians larger fleet could not operate efficiently in the gulf alloying the Athenian and Aeginan triremes to border the Persian navy, trying to turn back a gust of strong wind trapped them as they were surrounded by the Greek

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