Allen Ginsberg is best known as one of the founding fathers of The Beat Generation. He wanted to write poetry his own way. Ginsberg was not worried about what others would think of his poetry. His main goal was to be able to “speak” to people through his poetry and he did exactly that. His poetry focused on the political issues of the time. Some of his common topics include, The Vietnam War, gay rights, free speech and the corrupt American government (Famous Authors).
The Beat Generation holds a major place in post WWⅡ American culture (Poetry Foundation). Many believe that this generation was about making society more diverse. Their ideas stemmed from drugs, jazz or sex. People did not accept The Beat Generation when it was first introduced, since it was not “normal” they avoided …show more content…
this poetry. The Beat Generation was all about feelings, many pets of this time did not revise their poems. After writing how they felt or what they believed, that was often the finished version (Beat Movement).
Explain what is happening in England, the U.S., and the world during your author’s life (paragraph)
Allen Ginsberg had a tendency to lean left in more than one way.
He was very Libertarian in nature, so he did not agree with The Vietnam War. Ginsberg created the term “Flower Power” to help promote peace and love. Protesting was something that he did very frequently. Ginsberg’s poem “America” explains what he though of America at the time. He did not think America was angelic, he saw it as the exact opposite. Homosexual people were greatly oppressed during the 1950’s; Ginsberg wrote many poems that included his opinion on this issue also. He was notably involved with many of the issues of the time. Almost all of Ginsberg’s poems have some sort of political opinion in them. Since Ginsberg was very Liberal many people attacked his ideals.(Poetry
In fact, it is believed that his early childhood had a great influence on his poetry. When he was young poetry was an escape from his harsh life. At 11 years old he began a journal. This included his favorite memories, his dreams, his mother’s sickness and his fights with his brother, Eugene. In school, he was what movies portrayed as the classic nerd, he had thick glasses and braces and was one of the smallest of his class. Furthermore, he also greatly enjoyed school and excelled at it too. Despite being an excellent student, he was very well acquainted with his sexual feelings at the meer age of seven. At a young age he also started humoring the idea of homosexuality since he started liking some of his friends. Also, he often would expose himself to passing traffic from his porch. His mother’s mental illness caused him to have more empathy toward people like her. As Naomi got worse she became more and more communist and would often take Allen and Eugene to Communist rallies.