In the field of elementary instrumental music, the unit that most defines me as a teacher is preparing for a performance. Planning begins weeks before the unit’s introduction through the careful choosing of musical literature that will be accessible, while …show more content…
Preparing for a performance is greater than just practicing the music. Students learn the importance of achieving long and short term goals, the value of relying on each other and being relied upon, and the significance of presenting quality work as a member of a team. I discuss these skills throughout this unit and relate them to the students’ lives outside of school and the impact these lessons will have in their future.
As students prepare for a performance there are multiple ways that they engage in their own learning. From individual home practice to small and large group rehearsals, musicians are continually participating in the progress of the music. Musicians are provided feedback on their developing proficiency and modifications to part assignments are made to further differentiate the material being prepared. Every child, from the high flyers to those more challenged are encouraged to achieve their best. This differentiated approach results in all individuals improving as the overall performance …show more content…
They build an appreciation for long range planning and for evaluating their own progress as they practice individually over many weeks. I frequently prompt students to think by posing the questions “If the concert was tonight, would we be ready? Would you be ready?” It is always rewarding when I hear the students being tougher on themselves than expected consequently showing they are striving for excellence and not being satisfied with mediocrity.
Preparing for a performance provides an opportunity to build a strong work ethic and the significance of perseverance. Students must be challenged to achieve growth and for many of my students, preparing for a band performance is the most challenging endeavor they have ever attempted. The skills developed in this unit reach far beyond building great musicians. They build great learners and