Rationality is what bestows dignity on human beings, and we must respect people’s dignity. Therefore, a human being who may lose their dignity and their rationality through illness and pain may legitimately request euthanasia. In order to respect and protect their dignity, …show more content…
The use of assisted suicide in Oregon has led to a massive improvement in palliative and hospice care (Source C). ODDA - Oregon Death with Dignity Act became a model for other states on how to deal with assisted suicide. Euthanasia allows people to have an increased quality of life and allows people to no longer fear death (Source G). One of the biggest fears is death’s unpredictability, but euthanasia takes away that fear, Euthanasia provides a painless way for a person to end their life, and involves no fear (Source D). “In [the Netherlands], fewer than 2% of all deaths are by voluntary active euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide combined, showed 2005 mortality data on 136,000 deaths in the country” (Source …show more content…
The controversy of euthanasia has been comparable to an equally controversial topic: abortion. Both topics deal with medically assisted death - one with babies, and the other of terminally ill individuals. In both cases, people are accusing doctors of being “murderers”, which implies that the doctors issuing the life-ending drug are monsters (Source G). Furthermore, critics of euthanasia argue that some patients do not have the mental capability to make a decision, such as those suffering through dementia or other mental illnesses (Source F). However, all people should have the right to make their own choice about their life, and should be able to receive proper medical support with their decision. Euthanasia has shown to have many medical benefits, which clearly far outweigh the downsides. In Oregon, for example, the passing of the ODDA, an assisted suicide bill, has shown to have actually increased and bettered end of life care (Source C). In the end, euthanasia has unequivocal benefits, mainly medical and moral, that are far more important and significant than the minor