Marquita Williams
Axia College of University of Phoenix
Does an apple a day really keep the Doctor away? Although an apple a day is not nearly enough to keep the doctor away, it would be a good start on the road to a healthier life. Healthful eating is important and will change the lives of families in a positive way. Healthful eating will dramatically lower the risk of diseases associated unhealthy eating, create more time for family, and possibly offset desire to change other harmful habits. Qualified health professionals are not the only ones preaching their views on healthful eating. Healthful eating is a popular topic, and many less qualified people jump one the bandwagon to prescribe and recommend. Because up to 75 percent of deaths in this country are a result of life-style related degenerative diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, arthritis, depression, aging, and numerous other conditions, the importance of healthful eating is being stressed more and more.( The Nutrition Desk Reference, Robert Garrison Jr. M.A, R.Ph & Elizabeth Somer, M.A, R.D,1997). Although there are no magic pills, potions, or formula to prevent any specific illness, a few general dietary guidelines are supported by all major health-related organizations (The Nutrition Desk Reference 1997). The Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) is suggested levels of essential nutrients considered adequate to meet the nutritional needs of healthy individuals. These guidelines have been developed by the Food and nutrition Board of the National Academy of Sciences’ National Research Council, an agency composed of scientists and other experts chartered by Congress. (The Nutrition Desk Reference, Robert Garrison Jr. M.A, R.Ph & Elizabeth Somer, M.A, R.D, 1997). For Example, the RDA of these nutritious vitamins is as followed,
Vitamin Best food source RDA Principle Functions
Bibliography: Mental Health: Causes of Mental Illness. (2007). Retrieved Oct. 11 2008, from