Today, you don’t literally have to carry your laptop or sit the entire day facing your desktop computer to perform all the tasks that you need to do. You need not have a wired telephone to do international calls either. With the constant technological innovations, almost everything is made possible with the use of a single, handy smart phone. But do you have even the slightest idea why these are called smart-phones? What makes smartphones smart? And what can one do with these types of phones?
Let’s begin with the definition of smartphones. Smartphones are high end cellphones that are most basically distinguished from traditional ones due to its more advanced features. The earliest smartphones combine the feature of a personal digital assistant (PDA) and camera. You can perform outgoing calls and receive incoming calls, send and receive messages and take pictures with this kind of smartphones. But as time passes by, developers continuously adapt to the needs of the users and integrate the latest technologies to these smartphones so other functions can be done as well. Along with the smart phones, tablets are also gaining popularity. Most of these tablets utilize the similar operating systems being used by the smart phones. The only difference of these tablets is that they have more features to offer and quite similar to having a miniature laptop.
But what makes these smartphones smart? The primary reason why it is called that way is because it enables users to do a lot of things with it. Smartphones are smart because of the operating system (OS) it carries.
What are these operating systems? These are a series of programs managing computer hardware and software resources to provide specific services. It is the core, the brain, and the most important part of a computer or any other device such as smartphones. No user can run any application without the presence of an operating system. An operating system makes computers