Linda Bernstein’s article “Gaming the Console” addresses the possible effects that video gaming has on teenagers and children. The article supports both sides of the debate: whether or not video gaming has negative consequences. Ultimately, Bernstein lets the reader form his or her own opinion on the subject. Some scientists and experts claim that video gaming is harmful as it may negatively affect areas of the brain, academic and social skills, and can become highly addictive. Other experts argue that some video games are educational and have positive physical benefits.…
Video Games are essential part of our families; parents as well as their kids spend hours in front of their TV’s playing their favorite games. However, their kids’ brains are still developing and at this stage their behavior is being shaped. While society believe that Video Games can cause them to act inappropriate there many other factors having greater impact on their behavior.…
I grew up in a household where video games were a privilege that I had to earn. When I had done all my homework and chores, I was allowed to play video games for an hour a day. As I grew older my parents thought I could make my own choices and did not limit the amount of time I spent playing video games. Many people today think that video games cause children to become couch potatoes, act dumb, and be rude. As a young child, my parents taught me that responsibilities come before the reward. That is why I have a different opinion of video games. I believe that video games can be beneficial to individuals; however, there are limitations. They help children deal with cancer, improve literacy skills, gain educational skills, and stay fit, but individuals should be cautious about the genre of the game and the amount of play time. When these precautions are taken, video games can be a helpful tool for many.…
“Currently there are more than half a billion people worldwide playing online games at least an hour a day -- and 183 million in the US alone.” (McGonigal, 2011) There is an extensive anti-game lobby that believes video games promote violence, anti-social behaviour, and zoned-out teenagers. However, there is ample evidence to support my theory that video games have been unfairly maligned. In this paper I will examine research and anecdotal evidence to illustrate why video games are good for you.…
The popularity of playing video games has been increasing in the lives of today’s forthcoming generation. In this essay, the author observes the claims that support video game effects, but also addresses the arguments criticizing video games. The author recognizes these attacks, but offers a new point of view towards the practice of video games during child development years. The author begins with a brief record of video game development in the past several decades and how these video games have become more complex, leading children who play them to develop a more complex mind, with elevated abilities. These benefits include: increased dexterity and cognitive ability, improvement in perception, reasoning, and learning skills, increased visual and attention capacity, encourages system thinking and motivation, a good source of social interaction, promotes pro-social behavior, and teaches children how to successfully work in a team setting. The opposing views are then presented, supporting data is provided, and the author addresses why these arguments should not be given a great deal of concern. The author recognizes that some of these concerns may be an issue, but easily avoidable with appropriate parental monitoring. The author closes with indentifying that parents should not solely depend on video games for children development and that other modes of entertainment are equally imperative. The author expresses the importance of incorporating video game play in a child’s development, but stresses the significance of parental surveillance in order to promote these benefits.…
The playing of video games was investigated to observe and analyse the consequences on children. The effects on social interaction, psychological, in particular aggressive behaviour, health and academic performance were determined by the exploration of various research journals, and literature pertaining to such. Video games over the last 30 years have made an impact on the way children spend their leisure time. However, it was only during the last decade that any kind of research was done to study the effect of these games on children. Some results prove that are negative effects on young minds and behaviours, still others are inclusive as to the negative effects, while some favoured the games as a positive, especially in the hand-eye co-ordination and educational software. Some, however, lay the responsibility fully on the part of parents and guardians to control the amount of time that children spend on video games to negate whatever ill effects it may have on their behavior, health and academic performance.…
Most people think that playing video games will lead you to a life of crime, delinquency, and misery. The opposite, however, is true. Video games can be used properly to improve the coordination and concentration physically, socially, and mentally to benefit the user. Does this mean kids should spend all day playing? No. This occurs when they are used properly and in moderation. Contrary to what most of the people believes, video games can actually help your motorskills no matter how younger people are.…
“. . . a new study has found almost half of all "heavy gamers" are six- to seventeen-years-old” (Bennett). The current generation is one being born into the most technologically advanced civilization ever. While this is excellent from a scientific standpoint, it can have some serious negative effects on children growing up with this equipment. Video games are gradually becoming more popular with today’s youth. The rise in video game popularity has caused a major problem with increased aggression and video game addiction in young players.…
Video games are beginning to be recognized for their educational benefits due to new research done on the positive effects of gaming. Learning experiences from games that create motivational cognitive features that help to promote persistence in school as well as creating more cooperative students. This means that students are less likely to give up in the face of a challenge, "Using a…
Video games affect kids ‘health in too many ways. According to Dorman, Steve M. in his study “Video and computer…
Many people do not believe there are benefits to playing video games. However there are many benefits to exposing and letting children interact with video games. Some benefits include opportunity to immerse ourselves in character, development of hand-eye coordination, cognitive thinking skills, cooperative playing skills, fine motor skills, and real-time decision making abilities. Banning video games, or placing restrictions on them could have an adverse effect on the way children view the world.…
We live in the age of sophisticated technology. People are crazy about every new high-tech device: mobile phones, computers, satellite channel receivers, and video games. Children, and even some adults spend long hours in front of a screen playing video games. However, video games can do our children great harm on the physical, mental and social levels.…
In the 1970s, video games were introduced into all our lives. At first, people saw them as a game to spend an entertaining time with but throughout the decades, scientists are becoming interested in the negative and unfavorable effects it is providing to the young.…
With the number of 80% 12-17 years old adolescents in America own a video game console, video games become the leading type of electronic entertainment among the society. Nowadays, video game grows into a common free-time activity for many young people. The adults and moreover the society now have more concern about the effects of video games on teenagers.…
Video games are a multi-billion dollar industry. So as you can imagine, there are a lot of people supporting this industry. Many scientists and psychologists have studied the effects of videogames and found that video games can actually have many benefits – the main one is making kids smart. Video games may actually teach kids high-level thinking skills that they will need in the future.…