2. A formal account of the proceedings or transactions of a group.
3. Law A published collection of authoritative accounts of court cases or of judicial decisions. Often used in the plural.
4. Common talk; rumor or gossip: According to report, they eloped.
5. Reputation; repute: a person of bad report.
6. An explosive noise: the report of a rifle.
v. re·port·ed, re·port·ing, re·ports
1. To make or present an often official, formal, or regular account of.
2. To relate or tell about; present: report one's findings. See Synonyms at describe.
3. To write or provide an account or summation of for publication or broadcast: report the news.
4. To submit or relate the results of considerations concerning: The committee reported the bill.
5. To carry back and repeat to another: reported the rumor of a strike.
6. To complain about or denounce: reported them to the principal.
1. To make a report.
2. To serve as a reporter for a publication, broadcasting company, or other news media.
3. To present oneself: report for duty.
4. To be accountable: She reports directly to the board of directors.
Phrasal Verb: report out
To return after deliberation to a legislative body for action: The committee reported the new tax bill out.
on report
Subject to disclipinary action.
1. An account presented usually in detail.
2. A formal account of the proceedings or transactions of a group.
3. Law A published collection of authoritative accounts of court cases or of judicial decisions. Often used in the plural.
4. Common talk; rumor or gossip: According to report, they eloped.
5. Reputation; repute: a person of bad report.
6. An explosive noise: the report of a rifle.
v. re·port·ed, re·port·ing, re·ports
1. To make or present an often official, formal, or regular account of.
2. To relate or tell about; present: