The author of the article “Will the Web Kill Colleges”, Zephyr Teachout states that students don’t have to be in a classroom to be able to ask questions or to learn. The author states. “Online classes are cheaper to produce.” (Chaffee 2012). Another key point suggests that web courses will allow the lower income students to have better opportunities to obtain a college degree. The high cost of tuition for a traditional Ivy League university with the traditional classroom settings would also entice students to look toward online courses with the comforts of your own home environment.…
I personally don’t like online classes because I didn’t get to see or talk to my professor. I saw the whole experience as disconnected and it seemed like I was doing nothing around the house. It also felt very repetitive; doing the same old routine every week and sometimes didn’t get a memo when…
The Quality of education does not always depend on the professor who is teaching a course, but on the will that the student has to learn. For some students, an online course is just as effective and as challenging as any physical course that can be taken. Although this may be true, there are both advantages and disadvantages to taking online courses. An online course may be convenient to students who have a family who they need to always be home with or someone who may even have a disability. An online class allows them to learn from their computers and not have to even leave their homes. An online course also allows both the school and student to both save money. An online course is not as expensive as a physical course, which saves the student money upon enrollment. The school will save money because instead of the students being in a physical classroom, they will be at home and the school will not have an increase in maintenance bills. A great disadvantage that an online course has is that there is never a professor there to monitor you doing your work, which allows you to cheat at any time. Because of this disadvantage, there are a lot of jobs who do not hold the weight of an online course equal to that of a physical course. In Conclusion, even though to some students an online course is just as challenging as a physical course, it still holds its advantages and disadvantages.…
Online courses in high school are causing much debate. Although many people are bucking the trend, those who have willingly taken online courses have found there are many benefits. However, with the integration of any new technology brings new concerns that need addressing. Although online courses may not be for everyone, they offer numerous perks that are typically limited with conventional schools.…
The teaching methods are different in each class the students are more independent in one more than in the other. In the online classes the students are left to do their work on their time. In the traditional classes the work is assigned to be done in class or on a specified date. More or less the students in the traditional classes are guided by their instructor more than in the online class setting. Online students are responsible for reading all material and information listed for that week’s assignment. The student gets reading assignments as well as other information just as the online class students do. The difference is that the assignments may be read in class or the due date may be moved opposed to the student having to read the material on their own. This also allows the student to ask questions about the assignment if they had any problems understanding it. In the online class setting the students aren’t usually given lectures. They are usually given power point presentations as well as some brief notes. The students in the traditional classes are also given power point presentations and notes but have the advantage of a lecture as well. Some students learn better from listening than they do reading. Therefore, the teacher giving a lecture is an important part of the students learning process. The traditional class also gives the…
Another major contributing factor to a positive outlook on online classes is that there are virtually no geographical restrictions. As long as you can put yourself somewhere with Internet access, you can take the course. Along with the ability to be anywhere you want, you can also go nowhere and simply take the class from home. This means the student can save a multitude of time and gas money. A good example of someone who would utilize this would be someone who lives far away from a college, and still wanted to get a degree without having to commute back and forth many miles everyday.…
Classroom based courses offer more focus than online courses. In a classroom, students are forced to be quiet and listen to the teacher or their peers. They do not have many options besides learning. It is against the rules to sleep, eat and text during the class period. Online, students can do any of those. They can even switch to a different tab with their favorite social network instead of what they’re supposed to be learning. They can text freely on their phones with no one stopping them. With the rules in a classroom, students are far less distracted than when taking a course online.…
Online classes and traditional classes are both great ways to receive an education during college. They both strive for the same purpose, which is to help the students reach their goals during their college careers. Although both class settings are great, they do differ in some ways. The three major differences between these classes are the pace of the classes, the student/teacher interaction, and the success rates.…
They do not just love the subject. They are excited to attend this class everyday for they know they are going to learn something new. Usually this type of classroom has many interactive opportunities. It could range from getting into a circle for class discussion to actually picking up tools to use. Whenever I think of classroom B, I think of being able to take parts and tools to create a masterpiece. Ideas are flying through the air just like the music or commotion. Many of the assignment are given as group work, but there are also several individual projects also. Some students do not enjoy this type of classroom, but for many it is the best part of their day. Many students need the opportunity to walk around or stand up when doing work. This allows them to walk away if they become bored with what they are doing. Then they can come back and finish the assignment. Not being constrained can also help relieve anxiety that students feel. Standing can help them relieve this and become more peaceful in school.…
I have always been a student who would have benefited from an open classroom. I always wanted to learn something I wanted to learn. I did not like being told what I had to learn. In the eighth grade, I was put into a math class that was not hard enough for me but I soon learned that there was no way to get out of it. So the teacher and I made a deal, that I could go through the ninth grade textbook and learn what I wanted. I just had to take the eighth-grade math tests. I was so happy because it was the closest thing to working on what I wanted to learn.…
First off, one of the main reasons I very much enjoy being enrolled in an online course throughout the semester is the time flexibility advantage and not physically being required to sit in a classroom. While enrolled in an online course you are able to set aside your own hours when completing an assignment and focus on your own time and then submit by the deadline assigned. You are able to decide when you want to complete an assignment and the hours of your choice could be during a lunch break or even late at night. As a full time employee I see the opportunity as a missing puzzle piece to my daily life; I love flexibility. In a lecture course there is certain time period to where you are obligated to sit in facing toward the professor and listen to their lecture for about two hours two to three times a week. I find meeting at a specific time period for an entire semester, can at times be very frustrating and inconvenient when you work a full time job. I am an individual who likes to move forward quickly with assignments and get straight to the point; I do not like to feel imprisoned in a classroom. I am able to view the instructions…
With the vast spreading use of the Internet, and tremendous advances in the technological world, it is changing many different aspects of our lives. One of which would be electronic learning, also known as online education. In the past couple of years, this way of attaining higher education has become more and more universal. There are many advantages to taking online classes, but there are also a lot of disadvantages. Some of the pros of participating in these online courses would consist of scheduling, location, pace, and savings/tuition. When viewing the cons of taking online classes you may want to understand there can be limited instructor interaction, distraction, technological glitches, and limited campus interaction. While this form of education may appeal to a broad category of people, every student learns differently.…
As a high school student traditional classes were always what I thought of when I though of a high school class. However when I got in the eleventh grade that all changed when i moved to Houston Texas. I was a part of the spring I.S.D in spring Texas, when I got offered some online classes to take.While in school I took everything normal for my grade level, except I took my english 11 class online. When I first started I wasn't sure that I was going to pass it or even like it. As time went on and I got the hang of it finally, and eventually fell in love with it. Let me tell you, there are some really big differences between the two types of classes as a whole. I would say the biggest difference would be the pace of your work, it's different online than in traditional. What I mean by this is if you are in a traditional class you have to work constantly, where as on online you can work when you want to at your pace. Then you have the luxury of typing online instead of writing everything everything out as you would in a traditional class. There are also some struggles that come with online classes and traditional classes, such as flexibility. While online classes are more flexible for students who have families and a tight schedule, its hard for students to fall behind. Where as if you are in a traditional class you can always be on top of your work and when assignments are due. Traditional classes give you the luxury of actually being in class 101 with the instructor, when online it's all web based communication. If you are somebody who needs to be taught by the actual teacher a traditional class is for you, if not online is a nice alternative to try. A big thing students worry about is social interaction with other students. Online classes let you interact with your classmates but not as you would be able to if you were really talking to a real person. If student interaction is an important factor to you, a traditional…
In comparison online classes and physical classrooms, both rely on the student for an enjoyable environment and a productive workplace. In both the student has the decision, either to annoy the teacher to have a tense working environment, or to simply choose to so the class sessions from the comfort of one's bed.…
Then, despite that students does receive more freedom in choosing their favorite classes that way, firstly, the need of specialized courses does not emerge imminently before college, since the extreme majority of the secondary and pre-secondary classes are yet basic classes such as algebra or English composition, which are required for all students, then, even if there is exceptions, it would be much easier if a student only have to change classroom for that special few classes instead of changing in between classrooms at all time.…