(International Personality Item Pool
Representation of the NEO PI-R™)
You can now choose between two versions of the IPIP-NEO
The original IPIP-NEO
The original IPIP-NEO inventory contains 300 items.
Most people complete the inventory in 30-40 minutes.
Over half a million persons have successfully completed this online inventory since it was first posted on the Internet.
The original IPIP-NEO will provide somewhat more reliable and valid results than the shorter version.
Best estimates indicate that the scoring program for the original IPIP-NEO executes properly and provides feedback over 99% of the time.
Computer experts have been unable to identify the malfunctions that occasionally prevent scoring and feedback from taking place.
Follow this link if you wish to complete the original IPIP-NEO.
The new, short version of the IPIP-NEO
The short IPIP-NEO was designed to measure exactly the same traits as the original IPIP-NEO, but more efficiently with fewer items.
The short version of the IPIP-NEO inventory uses 120 items from the original inventory.
Most people complete the inventory in 10-20 minutes.
Responses from over 20,000 persons were used to insure that the short version possesses acceptable measurement reliability.
Although the short version meets professional standards of reliability, the longer version is even more reliable.
The short IPIP-NEO provides an alternative for persons who do not have time to complete the original inventory.
Persons may also wish to try the short version if they experience difficulty receiving results from the scoring programs of the original IPIP-NEO.
Follow this link if you wish to complete the short version of the IPIP-NEO.