
The Bigfoot: Inerrant Word Of God

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Who or what are the Nephilim? The Nephilim are the offspring of fallen angels and human women. Genesis chapter six describes the events that lead to the Nephilim. Genesis 6:2-4: …the sons of God (fallen Angels) saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose… There were giants (Nephilim is used in the Hebrew) in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God (fallen Angels) came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.
In order to continue, the reader must be aware of my world view. I am a Christian. I also believe that the Bible is the inspired and inerrant word of God. I believe the Bible
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Events would happen during my research, that would expand my conclusions about the true identity of the Bigfoot. Less than a year into my research, I noticed that the Bigfoot demonstrated some unusual abilities. In fact, during my first encounter with the Bigfoot, I think I was exposed to infrasound. Infrasound is a very low-frequency sound wave. The human ear cannot hear it, but it can have devastating effects on the mind and body. During the before mentioned encounter, I became very scared, apprehensive, and had a mild ringing in my ears. I had the feeling of extreme dread, and had the overwhelming urge to leave the area immediately. I later learned that this phenomenon is a common experience among Bigfoot …show more content…

Mathew 28:4. And for fear of him the keepers did shake, and became as dead men.

It is my theory that when the fallen angels procreated with human women, and created the Nephilim race, many of these “Angelic” abilities were genetically passed onto their offspring. In my research, I discovered that infrasound can cause the effects described in the Bible verses I cited. I theorize that the knowledge of how infrasound affects humans, and how to produce infrasound, was passed genetically to the Nephilim.

I had a very odd encounter with a Bigfoot where I captured a brief video of a Bigfoot, and then inexplicably walked away. I have no recollection of seeing the Bigfoot, or taking the video. I was shocked when I reviewed my video and found footage I did not remember recording. Doing an analysis of the audio track from the video, I found strong infrasound being produced presumably by the Bigfoot.

The series of still captures below show the Bigfoot that was producing the infrasound while sneering at me from around a tree. Unfortunately, the footage was blurry due to me zooming in and out without

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