Why does Botswana have such a low life expectancy and why is the death rate higher than the birth rate?
Botswana is in South Africa and it is one of the most stable countries that there is, It is relatively free of corruption and has a good human rights record. It is also the world's largest producer of diamonds and the trade has transformed it into a middle-income nation.
However Botswana, which once had the world's highest rate of HIV-Aids infection, has one of Africa's most-advanced treatment programmes. However, the UN says more than one in three adults in Botswana are infected with HIV or have developed Aids. The disease has orphaned many thousands of children and has dramatically cut life expectancy it is estimated that in a 2002 report 38.8% of adults are HIV positive which is the second highest in the world, behind Swaziland. The primary mode of transmission is heterosexual contact, with the military and young women at higher risk of HIV infection than other sectors of the population. Young women (aged 15-24) who are HIV positive in Botswana outnumber HIV positive young men by more than two-to-one. Anti-retroviral drugs are readily available on par with other African nations, while it is reported as being higher.
The death rate is higher than the birth rate because the citizens are dying of HIV/AIDS before they reach an old age and the children who are being born are more often than not been born with HIV/AIDS causing them to die a lot quicker. The medical and healthcare infrastructure is a lot better than in some South African countries however it is not as good as the UK and women are not taken as seriously.
GDP compared to Infant Mortality Rate;
There is a strong negative correlation between infant mortality and GDP per capita per country. The higher the GDP the less likely the children are going to do basically as one variable increases the other decreases. This is due to countries with a high GDP having better health care