The brain is the center of every functioning part in a human body. Every process stems from the brain. The central nervous system is an intricate menagerie of cells, neurons, cords, nerves, and many other parts that act as the computer center for our bodies. Neuroanatomy is the make-up of the central nervous system. The processes by which the brain acts or performs are neuroprocesses. Learning and memory are two similar neuroprocesses that cannot function without each other. The brain responds to experiences or memories from the past and learns how to function in similar situations in the future. When the brain receives changing information or variations from experiences learning occurs in the brain. Memory takes into consideration how the learned experiences are stored and reactivated (Pinel, 2009). The act of learning occurs when two neurons communicate by sharing signals, receiving, and recalling information.
Moreover, the processes responsible for learning are spread out over multiple areas of the brain and are classified into three different networks; recognition, strategic, and affective. The recognition network receives sensory information from the environment and transforms it into knowledge. It identifies and categorizes what is seen, heard, or read. The strategic network is recruited for planning and coordinating goal-oriented actions. Finally, “the affective network is involved in emotional dimensions of learning such as interest, motivation, and stress”