Returning to action four years after making the first Hunger Games installment, Ross opens well with sobering scenes of Civil War carnage, as Confederate troops are systematically mowed down while being marched directly into Union lines of fire. Ross underlines the butchery with dialogue footnotes about Dixie's class divide, as the poor do the fighting on behalf of rich landowners, who are exempt from military service if they own at least 20 slaves.
There could scarcely be a more sympathetic member of the Confederacy than Newton Knight Matthew McConaughey, …show more content…
Nobody done nothing like that for them before, remarks Rachel Gugu Mbatha-Raw, a house slave at a nearby plantation who ends up doing many favors for the renegades and eventually becomes Newt's common-law wife. The first order of business is getting a dreadful iron necklace with upward-pointing spears removed from Moses Mahershala Ali, the clear leader among the collective. The second is for Newt to teach them all how to shoot; they learn very