After giving much love and care to his animals he starts to abuse them, goes as far to kill them and then commits the ultimate crime; murder of his wife. The character begins by explaining his past history of pets, "We had birds, gold-fish, a find god, rabbits, a small money, and a cat"(307). He then recalls his change of mood, "I grew day by day, more moody, more irritable, more regardless of the feelings of others"(307). The man finds himself easily getting irritated by his animals and ill treating them but refraining from ill treating his favorite pet, Pluto the black cat. Alcohol began to feed his ill temper. He came home one night intoxicated and felt that his favorite cat Pluto was avoiding him. He found his cat and grabbed him; Pluto bit him and this angered the drunken man, "The fury of demon instantly possessed me. I knew myself no longer"(308). This was the turning point of the man's character. He proceeds to cut one of Pluto's eyes out from it's socket. As the cat recovered from his wound the men felt little remorse. His evil deed had toughened his soul. Pluto healed from his viscous wound but also keeping his distance from the man, rightfully so. After a while, this angered the man to a more extreme temper, "to offer violence to its own nature-to do wrong for the wrong's sake only-that urged me to continue and finally to consummate the injury I had inflicted upon the offending brute"(308). The man recalls the event that took place next, "One morning, in
Hilton 2 cold blood, I slipped a noose about its neck and hung it to the limb of a tree;-hung it with the tears