The Black Death is a disease that went on for over 5 years. It also spread around a wide range of places! It killled and harmed thousands upon thousands of people and had no mercy. If you were to sadly catch the Black Death, you would DEFINITELY die and there was many cures and causes however none of the causes actually worked also all of causes were thought to be a punishment from God. Once you knew you had the Black Death, you were abliged to hang a red cross on the front of your door. This was to warn un-infected peasants to stay away unless they wanted to catch it.
So far I think that the Black Death was a disaster. This is because there was no proven working caures and no logical causes. This was because back in the Medieval Times, there was no science or technology to prove why things happened and no ways to cure them. For example one of the causes was intimacy. People couldn’t hug or kiss or even shake hands with infected victoms, this could mean you could go the rest of your life without being able to be intimate with them as they would have died form the desiease. Also one of the cures was that you caught, killed and halfed a pigeon, you then rubbed this over your wombs. This shows that so far the Black Death was a disaster!
Where Did It Come From?
Where Did It Come From?
The Black Death started in Centeral Asia and was spread when ships docked and left different places. It finished in Mascow. An example of spreading would be that ships and carrages would come to one countie and the rats would board then finally when the transport has arrived at a new countie, town, villiage or citie. That would be when the rats would run of and go and infect