Jack is an intriguing protagonist with a complex psyche and impressive past. He is intelligent, compassionate, and confused, relying on intuition and luck to resolve conflicts. Once he understands what he must do, he never waivers, exuding confidence and leadership qualities around his companions. Jack’s numerous memories from the Territories, though rarely complete, set him apart from other humans. His fearlessness is both exaggerated and inspiring, yet he is impatient at times, losing his temper and hiding his past.
The killer, an old man named Charles Burnside, is perverse, and not frightening at all. Burnside is more comical than ominous; his perverse thoughts read more like mischievous adolescent rage than crazy visions in a psychotic mind. The fact that Burnside is not in complete control of the evil occurring throughout the county also diminishes his character’s villainous power.
Most of the other characters in the novel are bland. Henry Layden, a blind man, possesses the uncanny ability to distinguish the