The Black Sox Scandal happened because many people gambled the results of the World Series. Even though, players wanted to refused match fixing, they can not because some mafias already got involved the gamble. After the scandal, federal government banned sports gable. Then, professional sports became clean. As a result, the Black Sox Scandal influenced the US society. The Black Sox Scandal affects the baseball industry today. The Major League Baseball tends to give heavy punishment even though great baseball players after the scandal. After eight men were banned from the Major League Baseball it did not allow to come back the professional baseball industry. Even though some of the eight players, who have great achievements in the Chicago White Sox career, they can not come back to the MLB because the MLB seriously thinks this incident can not forgive forever. I learned from both in the MLB side and supporters arguments.
Also, I realized that most important systems in the sports industries came from the Black Sox Scandal. The Black Sox Scandal made today’s professional sports industries, such as the creation of the commissioner system and the first media office in the professional