The protest was heavily policed by british paratroopers. The organized protest was within the boundaries of the law, but some of the people were throwing stones at the troops. Then during the protest the British soldier unjustly fired upon unarmed Irish civilians. Thirteen people were killed and fourteen were injured. The British government told the Irish people that before any shots were fired that nail bombs were set off by members of the Irish Republican Army or IRA. Witnesses to the massacre knew that this wasn’t the care and that British troops fired upon unarmed civilians for no justifiable …show more content…
Before 1972 only 200 people were killed. But, during 1972, 479 people were killed and over 200 people were killed every year after that. Bloody sunday was responsible for the increased violence. John Kelly said: “The paras not only murdered people that day, but they carry the responsibility of the blood that was spilled since." What johns is saying is that no further violence had to happen in the conflict. The murdering of in ocemt people drove the catholic community into a frenzy. Many people who had no interest of ever joining the conflict were now actively involved the IRA. People now felt that an increase of violence was now justifiable after what the british did. They saw joining the IRA and taking part in the violence as an act of