In many cases, the subculture of a unit can be so entrenched that actual department policy is never exercised. Department policy’s need to be explained and taught to every officer in the unit. Clear and decisive policy’s need to be drafted by all members of leadership. If an officer violates policy after they are explained and initiated, leadership needs to make an example out of them. There should be a zero tolerance policy on behalf of the commissioner’s office. In Robert Barton’s case, the police commissioner needs to ensure that an officer has the ability to file a complaint if he or she sees something wrong within a unit without the fear of excommunication.…
2. Swanson, C. S., Territo, L., & Taylor, R. W. (2012). Police administration, structures, processes, and behavior. (8th ed.). Upper Saddle River,NJ: Prentice Hall.…
American law enforcement organizations is hierarchal and it is a bureaucratic structure adopting ways of the military. The quasi-military structure found in police departments will emphasize the importance of specializations in task, duties, objectives, and responsibilities. Each level in the chain of command has specific authority and tasks to carry out. Historically speaking, Peel’s principles of a professional police organization can be seen in today’s philosophy of community-oriented policing (COP). Peel’s principles emphasized the following guidelines for a professional police organization: (1) a police mission statement and core values; (2) crime prevention; (3) respect or citizenry; (4) respect for the law; (5) minimizing the use of…
There have been many cases not only discussed in this article and these books, but also in the nationwide news. In the article Two Books Argue the Case for Police Reform From Within, the moral of the story is that police officer should start viewing themselves as guardians as opposed to warriors, in hopes that this will transfer into their actions and help mend the relationship between the police task force and the diverse communities and neighborhoods of the United…
A subculture is made up of the symbols, beliefs, values, and attitudes shared by members of a subgroup within a larger society according to our book: Criminal Justice in America 7e. Like a subculture of any professional group, police subculture is defined as a specific set of beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors exhibited by those in law enforcement according to The subculture of the police helps exemplify the “cops world” and roles each officer plays in it. The dynamic of ‘us’ (the police) in contrast to ‘them’ (the public) can create both a positive and negative attitude for the police.…
Given the importance of the issue in improving police and community relations, many theories have been proposed for curbing the damaging behavior of police. Wilson (1 968), advocating police professionalism, identifies two models for controlling police misconduct: the professional model and the bureaucratic model. The professional model works by ensuring that only the best-trained, most honest candidates are employed as police officers. The bureaucratic model depends on the issuance and enforcement of rules and regulations through close supervision of police officer activities. Lundman (1 980) criticizes professionalism as a control on police misconduct. He suggests that professionalism, by focusing on the individual officer, ignore the social and organizational correlates of misconduct. Furthermore, professionalism is an obstacle to citizen control, since by definition a professional is one who has special knowledge and skills that the average person lacks. Instead, Lundman (1 980) maintains that most police misconduct is a product of organizational deviance, so that what needs to be controlled is not individual behavior, but organizational climates. According to this thesis, police departments may have different rates of citizen complaints. The difference varies with the particular departmental…
Ethical issues in policing reach back to the early ages of law enforcement. The profession of policing plays a vital role in the rationale and motivation of how officers conduct themselves while on and off duty. This is a primary focus point of the society in which they work, due to the society’s level of trust and confidence in the officers to act accordingly and responsibly without any negative person vengeances or vendetta. As a result of the numerous negative encounters of officers interacting with the public, which has been mainstreamed by the media, there is a heightened sense of entitlement and false responsibility of citizens to report to higher authorities or the media when they do not get whatever it is that they want or receive the…
This blue wall of silence can lend to a police culture where violations of a citizen’s civil or human rights become the norm for an officer or even for a group of officers. When loyalty among officers become the priority over doing what is right, a department may become more susceptible to deviant behaviors including violations of organizational policy, discrimination, misconduct, intimidation, sexual harassment, corruption, and excessive force. To overcome the blue wall of silence and bring change to the police culture departments require transparency and accountability of the actions of their officers. Reform in police training should emphasize such transparency and accountability, adequate supervision and appropriate discipline measures are necessary for problem officers which can aid in revitalizing the professionalism of an entire…
Policing, is an occupation described as hours of boredom, followed by extreme moments of fear and terror, with coffee and donuts thrown into the mix at times. It is also a culture perceived by the public as corrupt, aggressive, racist, and above the law which empowers them. In an occupation where these extremes exist, it is necessary to have characteristics to reinforce the collective and impersonal nature of the work. Cultural characteristics by definition are: the beliefs, customs, arts, etc., of a particular society, group, place, or time : a particular society that…
Police corruption, misconduct, and brutality in the United States are all around from state to state, and going on for years. Abuses from public authority are worldwide police who are violating police departments regulations and rules. Corruptions by police are very illegal and are consequences of an officer authority may include selling drugs, extortion and fencing stolen goods. Police departments establishes codes of conduct, and investigate and remedial advice. Federal law specifically targets police misconduct applicable to local officers in officers working correctional (Howell Ron, 2002). Police misconduct and corruption is an international problem and historically factor development of police institutions, and a problem counterinsurgency. The U.S.- led North Atlantic Treaty organization police training program in Afghanistan have high police abuse and corruption by police corruption abuse and corruption and caused Afghans to seek assistance of Taliban against their government. The Blue-ribbon commissions have the most reliable and extensive knowledge about corruption by police many reports, created to sole purpose of conducting investigations of police corruptions. Commissions reduce police corruption by creating oversight over police with special focus on integrity, changing the organizations culture tolerating misbehavior less, and holding all commanders responsible for misbehavior of subordinates. Commission relay on contextual conditions that are not found in countries emerging conflict and facing threats to their security (Robert Perito,…
Throughout the history of the United States, the ranks of police officers have been dominated by white males. As a result, the underrepresentation of minorities and women has long been a problem in policing. Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1972 Equal Employment Opportunity Act made discriminating against any individual based upon their color, sex, religion or national origin illegal, thus paving the way for more minorities and women to become police officers. Before the implementation and enforcement of these acts, it was extremely difficult for minorities and women to get a job in policing. Experts in the field of law enforcement maintain that diversity in…
People are more likely to obey the law when they see that those who are enforcing the authority is going about it the right way. Law enforcement should not only follow procedural rules but should also make ethical decisions as well. They can build trust and legitimacy by engaging more with the communities; for instance, strive for diversity within the workplace, initiate positive activities to get the community involved, giving back to the community and take the time out to introduce themselves and hold conversation with the citizens. There are both internal and external aspects to procedural justice in policing agencies. Internal procedural justice refers to practices within an agency and the relationships officers have with their colleagues and leaders. Research on internal procedural justice tells us that officers who feel respected by their supervisors and peers are more likely to accept departmental policies, understand decisions, and comply with them voluntarily. External procedural justice focuses on the ways officers and other legal authorities interact with the public and how the characteristics of those interactions shape the public’s trust of the…
When we dig deeper into the anthropological and psychological cause of this kind of behavior, we notice that police are influenced by a flawed subculture that profound affects the attitude and behavior of most police officers. With that being said this subculture teaches them certain values and beliefs and on the other, it turns the entire police community into a cohesive group meaning causing cohesion that is essentially alienated from the general public. According to Adler, Mueller, and Laufer (1994) police subculture is a “set of norms and values that govern police behavior,…
Corruption establishes largely because of a police culture that exalts loyalty over integrity. Armao & Cornfeld (1994) suggest that honest officers are silenced by their fear of ``ratting'' on another cop no matter how grave the crime. Corruption is not uncommon for those officers who remain undercover; in fact, it is an easier gateway to fall custom to the "bad apples". Corruption as defined by Roebuck and Barker (1974) as any form of ‘deviant, dishonest, improper, unethical or criminal behavior by a police officer. Police departments take pride in their progressions or achievements, therefore in response to corruption, they avoid uncovering it. Grant (2002) goes on to maintain the fact that not only do the en-suing scandals embarrass the…
This paper will examine the “blue code of silence” that has been the source of controversy and a major critique of policing. I will argue that it is unethical and not firmly planted largely in police culture; contrary to present day media outlet’s reports. I will first, define the term “blue code of silence” and discuss why it is unethical. I will continue by shedding light on recent reports, interviews, and publications that show that corruption is not as common in large departments as popular media outlets portray.…