A Paper
Presented to
Dr. Barry Wingfield
Liberty Theological Seminary
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for PACO 600 D02 LUO A SURVEY OF CHRISTIAN COUNSELING THEORIES
August 8, 2010
Anderson, Neil T. The Bondage Breaker. Eugene, Oregon: Harvest House Publishers, 2000.
My Summary
Dr. Anderson claims he has ministered to “to thousands of Christians” all over the world who are being “deceived and are living defeated lives” due to possible possession by demons (Anderson, 2001, 9). These demons prevent them from taking control of their lives and from breaking free from bad (sinful) habits. When believers commit sins, they unwittingly make an entrance for demons to enter their lives, becoming enslaved and they cannot live a good and faithful life as intended by God, “people are in bondage to the lies they believe” (Anderson, 11). He assumes that the battle for control is in the heart of Christians, with lies and other temptations constantly attacking their core. Christians are warned to stand their ground in the truth of God’s Word, as they “are not trying …show more content…
He is a firm believer that once we have the Holy Spirit indwelling us, we are essentially “bulletproof’” from Satan’s attacks. I brought up “the armor of God” (Ephesians 6: 10-18), the story of Job and Peter. We discussed why God asks us to take up our cross daily, and the never-ending schemes of the devil to lie and deceive us. I finally asked him if he locked his doors at night. He said, “yes”. I asked, “why?” He said, “to keep others out.” I told him that we must do the same thing in our spiritual life. We must trust and believe in the word of God, live His truth and put on our armor to keep the devil out of our hearts and