Subhi, the protagonist, is a ten-year old boy stuck with his family in a refugee camp. The camp guards, known as ‘Jackets,’ treat their people very poorly. For instance, Subhi's best friend Eli states, “But we’re lucky, Subhi, because today’s food is only twelve days past its use-by date” (Fraillon 6). This shows that the people in the camp are not being given proper nutrition. Subhi also has a close relationship with his mother, who is seriously ill throughout the story. Things begin to change for Subhi when Eli is forced to leave the camp to go elsewhere. Subhi is left somewhat lonely until he meets a girl named Jimmie. She is not from the camp and is from what Subhi calls the “Outside.” They begin to develop a …show more content…
It was quite boring and not much occurred until near the end of the book. Subhi’s mother lies in bed sleeping for most of the story, while Jimmie and Subhi constantly meet up with each other to tell stories. I was hoping for some more action and conflicts to help stay interested. Nevertheless, it is difficult to find anything else not to like about the book. The writing style is fantastic, it flows smoothly, and it gives a great view of what it is like to live in a detention center or refugee camp.
I would rate this book 3.5 stars out of 5. The lack of establishing conflicts throughout the novel was disappointing. However, I would still recommend this novel to others as it covers a very important issue and teaches readers what it feels like to be in the shoes of a refugee. Do not expect an incredibly exciting or sad story, because that is not what The Bone Sparrow