“The Book Thief” is a portrayal of life during the Holocaust. The movie is set in 1938 by a girl with the name of Liesel Meminger (Sophie Nelisse) who is traveling on a train with her communist mother and her little brother. On the trip her little brother passes away. While the …show more content…
It surprised me with how little they had to go on. Unless you actually have to deal with this horrible way of life first hand, you don’t really understand or think about how you were going to get food on the table or how you were going to work the next day. Another thing I learned was how a child dealt with living in a environment like this and how she went from day to day. We saw that Liesel had a tough time fitting in with other children because she could not read or write. This was because growing up books were not allowed and had to be burned. This was a problem with her since she had a passion of reading. We got to see her internal struggle of hiding the books she read from people out and some inside of her home. A lesson you can learn is that you never truly what is going on in a person's life until you step into their shoes. People outside do not know what Liesel has been through in just a short time