This book should be read by all junior Marines to follow 1st Sgt Kasal’s example. The language and writing style is not very complicated, so it makes it easy for junior Marines with no college education to follow. I also think the general population needs to read this book so they can see the true spirit of today’s…
Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz lived a life without fear regarding the social criticisms of her writing and she wrote to influence change regarding the educational stereotypes made by the men of her era. Sor Juana worked diligently to educate herself continuously throughout her life in order to reach a level of sophistication that no man could contest.…
* Respect the chain of command and their place on the bottom of that chain.…
I believe every marine should read this book. This book really describes what true honor, courage, and commitment is about, there is a lot to learn from this book, especially for young junior Marines. I agree with all the points that the author gave in his writing and think that this book should stay on the commanders reading list.…
I highly recommend this book to all Marines. This is a book were all Marines should start. It is more than a book, it his history and understanding of the world we are in now. The passing down of history and reason on why we…
Always follow the proper chain of command and explain the facts as clearly as possible…
A motto I got out of this book is that upbringings lead to opportunities. This means that not only do things happen by chance, they also happen because of their upbringings. Opportunities arise when you apply yourself and allow yourself to become involved. The longer you do these things, the better chance you have at growing as a person and in life. Bu not every person has the motivation to apply themselves in everyday life.…
10. I believe that every marine should definitely read this book. This book tells about true commitment and courage is about there is a lot to learn from this book. I agree with all the points that the author gave in his writing and think that this book should remain in the commandant’s reading list.…
The part I found most interesting was when they were trying to find and decide who would be fit enough to carry the message to Garcia. There is not really much more research you can do on the subject of doing what you are asked to do. So the book did not make me want to research into the subject more. I would recommend this book to the Marines who have a habit of not doing what they are asked to do. Maybe this would open their eyes and get them to do what they are asked. This book would affect everyone’s life, I think. Teaches you the lesson of doing what you’re asked to do. To gain trust, respect and responsibility from others so they know that they can count on you to get the job done. So yes, this book affects my life. If you do your job, no questions ask unless need be, you won’t lose trust. You will gain the respect from your employer and fellow employees and then they can trust that you will get the job done, whether they are there or they are…
However a deeper reading of the book suggests a more sophisticated view: that often the real test is not the physical struggle at the time of battle, but the vital moments of learning and thoughtfulness following and preceding the fight. Over their lifetimes, heroes must become great by learning to face these mental challenges and being able to make the right decisions in those moments. Lines 2163-2210 are not only a key time when the reader is shown the more complex view, but this passage in itself also forms one of the hero’s crucial moments of…
The book chapter was mainly about finding yourself; striving to be a linchpin. If you look at yourself and all of your qualities, are you a linchpin? Are you indispensable? Linchpins have their own way of thinking and figuring out a problem. There is no need for a manual on how to figure out problem solving. It comes naturally to a linchpin. The chapter states that obtaining deep domain knowledge changes things. Combining unique ideas, knowledge and making smart decisions increases chances for success. Lester Wunderman used the technique of direct marketing. He introduced the world to the ideas of understanding strategy and decision making. This made it easier to map out plans and understand others deeper than what they let off. This illustrates one who is good at organizing for a company. In a company, organizing ideas in a unique way that works for everyone is a gift. This skill is something that can be learned and you can always get better at it. I agree completely with this book. It makes me feel like anyone can be indispensable. Godin basically says you can train yourself to matter and be indispensable. Everyone is not born with special talents that distinguish them from another person. If you are not born with the talent, go out and discover your talent. Work hard a being the best you and discover those unique linchpin qualities. A linchpin sees no fear…
The tactical lessons I learned from A Message to Garcia are that if you are given a task to do, do it without being constantly told to do so and accomplish it to the best of your abilities and in a timely manner.…
I myself had to learn the hard way that respect is a major thing in life and you should never under appreciate that person in charge of you because they will get you in the end. When I am out on my own with my own job, I need to respect those who out rank me so that thy also respect me and treat me fair. NJROTC is not only a Navy class but also a class to help high school student to wake up from their teenage years and realize that someday soon they are going to be on their own and need to learn how to survive in the real world. NJROTC taught me how to be well disciplined, on time, and how to respect my elders.…
The book so far is based around the story of an Italian boy named Louie Zampernini and his family. Louie’s father and mother moved from Italy and brought themselves up in a half-acre field with a one-room shack. “If it was edible, Louie stole it.” This is an idea brought up constantly in these chapters about Louie’s daring and witty attempts and successes at stealing, fighting, and causing most other kinds of mischief. The book also says that “Confident that he was clever, resourceful and bold enough to escape any predicament, he was almost incapable of discouragement. When history carried him into the war, this resilient optimism would define him.” A foreshadowing of the next part of the book when he is brought into the Army Air Corps. As someone interested in the armed forces I can identify with that last quote because there are many occasions when I have seen people bring with themselves their outstanding qualities into the military, this is something that I hope I can do with traits that will better me in service.…