“The Boy on The Wooden Box,” is a suspenseful, sad, horrific tale of a kid who went through the Holocaust. The world is in the midst of a great war, today known as World War Two. A Jewish boy named Leon must endure hardships that nobody could ever imagine. The Nazis are cruel, merciless people, killing just because they feel like it. Leon lives in a small town in Poland for a while, until Nazis invade and he gets taken from his hometown and moves to the Ghetto in Krakow. The ghetto was a place they put thousands of Jews to live, until they were taken somewhere else where they were never seen again. Leon and his family were then moved to Plaszow concentration camp. Leon suggests that this place was a “Hell on Earth,” His experiences
“The Boy on The Wooden Box,” is a suspenseful, sad, horrific tale of a kid who went through the Holocaust. The world is in the midst of a great war, today known as World War Two. A Jewish boy named Leon must endure hardships that nobody could ever imagine. The Nazis are cruel, merciless people, killing just because they feel like it. Leon lives in a small town in Poland for a while, until Nazis invade and he gets taken from his hometown and moves to the Ghetto in Krakow. The ghetto was a place they put thousands of Jews to live, until they were taken somewhere else where they were never seen again. Leon and his family were then moved to Plaszow concentration camp. Leon suggests that this place was a “Hell on Earth,” His experiences