Posted 1 year ago # curlypops
Joined: Jun '08
Posts: 11
Profile for cultural context we focused on:
*religion vs pagan rituals (i.e. father jack)
*the poverty
*the isolation
*the roles of women
*kate taking on the traditional role of the "man" being the only bread winner..
i dont have a clue what to right for general vision and viewpoint and literary genre..
hope i helped..
Posted 1 year ago # Jon …show more content…
If so, in the story there will be certain people with more power, or holding all power, which means that other characters must act with this in mind, or in fear of punishment if they break the rules etc. Often characters will have to overcome this hierarchy in the story.
2) is the setting familiar and ordinary? Then the characters will be able to act freely (obviously within reason), as they are not severly empowered. In addition, they will act as we expect them to. 3) is the setting fantastical/ unfamiliar? Ths will mean that normal conventions that we would be used to do not apply. For example, in the Harry Potter series it is only because of the setting, the magical world, that the magic of the story such as spells,
Dementors etc, is plausible.
4) Is the setting small in size? This will mean that everyone in the book will know or know of each other, which may impact one’s actions. For example, in The Truman Show everyone knows each other as the setting is a television studio, which allows them all to maintain the allusion that it is real life the premise (main point) of the film.
Narrative structure
Finally, there will be some order to the events of the story. There are various ways of arranging …show more content…
If a story is told in this way, this is presenting it as realistically as possible, because a linear narrative structure is how the story would occur if it happened in real life.
2) Linear, with variations – this is telling the story as it usually would happen, but with flash forwards into the future, or delving into the past, to provide perspective, hindsight, foresight, foreshadowing etc.
3) Recounting an event – perhaps a character will tell the story some time after it happened. It might focus on their childhood, which they remember as an adult. It might be told to the audience, or to another person.
4) More than one story teller – the story might contain a number of stories which need to be told also. Certain characters mat tell these stories, which may mean that there will be more than one story tellers.
5) 1st person/ 3rd person – there may be someone telling the story from their perspective, such as ‘I’, ‘me’, ‘my’ etc. Or it could be told in the third person with an unknown person simply telling the story to the audience.
General Vision and Viewpoint:
What you need to compare: whether the texts you are studying reveal a bright or dark outlook.
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