“Miss Representation” is a documentary film written, directed, and produced in 2011 by Jennier Siebel Newsom, a filmmaker, an actress, and an advocate for women. The film focuses on how the American women have been wrongly portrayed by the media; hence, it results in the gender inequality, the lack of female in politics, and women’s misperception about their identity. The targeted audience of this film is all American people, who are convinced to change their mind about stereotypes of women. Jennier effectively convinces the audience that the mainstream media has mainly contributed to the under-representation of women through the use of statements claimed by highly educated, experienced cast members, emotional appeals to its target audience,…
“The Breakfast Club” shows the typical stereotypes of before, specially the 80s. The snob girl that thinks she shouldn’t be there, the popular sports boy, the rebel that is not understood, the nerd that doesn’t want to be in trouble, the outcast that is ignored, and the teacher that thinks to highly of themselves and thinks that teenager equals problem.…
The film “The Breakfast Club” directed by John Hughes is a compelling film that illustrates the inner working of the teenage mind-set. A film quite literally opens your eyes to how teenagers work within different stereotypes. John Hughes is able to show how although each character may give the impression that everything is “OK” but really, on the inside their whole life is just constant stress. This stress, which numerous things, including their parents and peers brought on, effected them in a way in which throughout the film, we as the audience have more insight into their lives as teenagers. Many of the characters in this film are easily relatable; however, Hughes has been able to show the differences within the inner workings of their…
The theme is to always feel comfortable to stick up for yourself, also to make sure that no matter how shy you are if you see someone getting bullied or has no friends to go up to them and make them your friend.Always speak out about bullying and don’t be the bully because you never know if someone would do the same to…
The Book, Nightjohn, as well as the movie, has many themes and views you could look at. I’m going to be focusing on the three themes that spoke to me the most. These themes are Getting along with others, Leadership, and probably most of all: Freedom.…
Paragraph 3: Explanation of why you think this is a universal theme; conclusion and clincher…
For my paper on the movie Boyz N the Hood as well as the reading Black Freedom Fighters in Steel, I will find a common theme that is used in both and explain how they used that theme in their work. The common theme that I found that was used in both the movie and the book is how the characters dealt with the oppression that was in their lives. The characters from the movie Boyz N the Hood that I will be referring to are Doughboy, Officer Coffey, and Shalika. The characters that I will be using from the book Black Freedom Fighters in Steel are George Kimbley, Curtis Strong, and Jonathan Comer. They all dealt with oppression differently some used it to their advantage, some people used it to hurt others, some made something of themselves, and some did nothing to make themselves better.…
Theme. What is the message the author is communicating through key events in the story?…
The first way the theme is revealed is by John Lewis and other blacks being discriminated against. In the Southern States black people were discriminated against and were not allowed to eat or watch movies at the same places as white people because they were “colored”. Because of their skin they were denied the same things as white people. As shown in this quote “You bought your ticket at the same window that the white people did, but they could sit downstairs, and you had to go upstairs.” This quote supports the theme because it shows how hard life is on them and how they go on.…
The movie, “The Breakfast Club,” by John Hughes takes place at a high school in Illinois, where 5 kids have to come in on a Saturday for detention. These kids are all teenagers going through different walks of life, under the responsibility of a “power-hungry” teacher. At the beginning of the movie, the kids start out practically hating all of each other. As the movie progresses, the kids begin to tell their stories, and you begin to know a little bit about each person. You begin to learn why the kids ended up in the detention in the first place and it makes what each think about the other a little different. Firstly, you have Andrew, the jock, who is there because he bullied a former teammate to try and impress his father. He realizes that…
Theme. What is the message the author is communicating through key events in the story?…
A movie 's theme is a unifying idea that the film expresses through its narrative or imagery.…
Cliques are something that can be found at every highschool. They are groups of people, with common interests and goals, who spend a large amount of time socializing with each other, and a minimal amount of time with others. The Breakfast Club is a movie that brings together 5 students, all belonging to 5 cliques that can be found in any school, the Jocks, the Brains, the Criminals, The Princesses (the girls who own the school) and the Basket-cases. At the beginning of the movie, these 5 seemingly very different people had nothing to say to each other, but throughout the movie the sanctions of each clique become less and less relevant and they find that they themselves have formed their own clique (the Breakfast Club) with new norms and sanctions. In this paper I will be describing 3 very stereotypical cliques through the description of 3 characters from this movie, John Bender, the criminal, Brian Johnson, the brain, and Andrew Clarke, the jock. I'll also be describing Claire, the princess, and why I identify with her.…
b) Write 3-4 sentences that introduce the reader to one important theme that occurs in the text or movie. Be sure to mention what the theme is, and be sure to define that theme. (Note: there may be more than one theme in the text or movie, but be sure to only pick one so that your essay will be nice and focused).…
The second theme that is constantly mentioned is seize the day. This phrase which is taught to us by Mr Keating is an expression of taking charge of what we dream or aim for and making it reality instead of missing our chances of it. Examples of this theme in the film include, Neil becoming an actor, Knox confessing to Chris, Todd overcoming his fear, Charlie sent the letter to the headmaster about allowing girls into the school. This theme presents life's truths to the audience as many people miss the opportunity or maybe are afraid to take that step into achieving a goal.…