Even characters who have the best of human qualities are ultimately destroyed by these rigid societal expectations. Most of the men in the story, specifically Yunior and Oscar’s uncle, Rodolfo, portray themselves as the textbook definition of Dominican men just by the way they carry themselves. In order for men to be accepted in the Dominican culture, one must display machismo, which is portrayed through the main narrator, Yunior and Oscar’s uncle Roldolfo. These two men act as if they are superior to others and frequently describe women based off of their physical appearance by using derogatory language. Without a doubt, Yunior and Rodolfo can be perceived as the masculine characters in the story and they definitely live up to this title through their behavior. For example, while Yunior is describing the various types of women who fell for Oscar when he was young, he describes one of Oscar’s neighbors as being “a
Even characters who have the best of human qualities are ultimately destroyed by these rigid societal expectations. Most of the men in the story, specifically Yunior and Oscar’s uncle, Rodolfo, portray themselves as the textbook definition of Dominican men just by the way they carry themselves. In order for men to be accepted in the Dominican culture, one must display machismo, which is portrayed through the main narrator, Yunior and Oscar’s uncle Roldolfo. These two men act as if they are superior to others and frequently describe women based off of their physical appearance by using derogatory language. Without a doubt, Yunior and Rodolfo can be perceived as the masculine characters in the story and they definitely live up to this title through their behavior. For example, while Yunior is describing the various types of women who fell for Oscar when he was young, he describes one of Oscar’s neighbors as being “a