By: Susan Tan Aparejo
The struggles of LD learners inside the classroom and even in their homes and families are so unbearable to imagine with. Sometimes they masquerade themselves to hide their difficulty in understanding the lessons for the day. They try their might to show people around them that they know even they don't . They are good actors to save their own face and reputation from blame and shame. They are clever enough to shift topics or ideas to cover their difficulties. Others are pretending to have headache specially during the lessons in Math, Science and English. Others disrupt classes to divert attention of teachers . Yet, deep inside, they suffer much. There had been many testimonies of famous persons with LD expressing their emotional scars and pains of knowing why they don't know and others could do in simpliest way. What is worst is when they themselves are deprived of understanding their own situations and when they themselves have not been diagnosed yet.
However, of those piteous trails, journey and struggles of these learners, only the half of their side is exposed to the people who expect them the most . The brighter side of these learners are their treasures to continue life for the better tomorrows. Many of them are honest and affectionate. They are honest to what they feel. They are true to their emotions, mood and feelings. They express concerns, love, thoughtfulness and truthfulness. Their attitudes toward life and how to deal their difficulties and cope with it are gems for the family to treasure. Some of the attitudes which I admire most of my LD learners are their ability to accept pain, labeling, heartaches and struggles of life. They accept them as a normal flow of life. They are jolly persons and never take worries and problems overwhelm them. They can easily forget and forgive persons who have done wrong to them. They are brave enough to face challenges in life making them