English II
Sun Dec 3 2017
Ares: The Brother Hercules Never Wanted.
God of war, battlelust, courage, and civil order. Who is this description of? The Greek God, Ares. One of the strongest willed Greek Gods to exist. But one of the cruelest Gods to exist as well. He is the known as the God of those traits because of his actions and his battle tactics. Ares has always been a cruel person, but he was especially cruel in this statement, though he had some reason to be. He had had an adulterous affair with the Greek Goddess, Aphrodite, causing Aphrodite to leave her husband, Hephaistos. After getting married, Aphrodite fell in love with a young man. Ares was extremely furious at this fact, and turned himself into a boar. The young man went out hunting and Ares followed behind. He caught up with the young man and gouged him to death. He had a reason to be upset with Aphrodite’s affair, as he was in love with her, but it was a cruel way to deal with the problem. He was a war God, and only focused on war and battle. In his eyes, the more people that were killed in war or battle, the better the it was. His thought process on war was very cruel, but he also believed that anger should only be used in war and battle. He had very little, but some admirable thought processes, though. …show more content…
Ares’ daughter was raped by the son of Poseidon, Halirrhothius.
It obviously caused anger to Ares, and he murdered the rapist. As in the case of Aphrodite cheating, he had reason to be mad. But, that being said, Ares was a murderer in general. He was a bloodthirsty person, and strived for bloodshed. He didn’t care if the war was for a cause, he just wanted to see