Problem Statement Whenever the Thai government needs to purchase or construct something, a process called the business bidding is performed to find the cheapest and most efficient business entity to carry out the project or scheme. The bidding process is supposed to be a fair and transparent to ensure that the government pays the lowest price for goods and services. However this process does not work in practice due to one huge age-old obstacle, corruption. Indeed, there are huge amounts of corruption and the majority of projects are usually not awarded to the companies that offer the best “cost-benefit” deals. By awarding the projects unfairly to certain companies, profiting only small groups of people, the government is wasting the people’s tax money and jeopardizing a healthy society. Corruption is rumored to waste as much as thirty percent of the total project cost, which is a large sum of money that is circumvented from the national budget, creating huge deficits and may hamper foreign investment, as well as, decelerating the national growth economically.
Situation Overview Unarguably, Thailand is one of the great places on earth to live, however, there have always been some underlying problem with corruption. Sadly, corruption has rooted deeply into virtually all segments of the society and has existed in various forms for centuries. Money is power and it works for you if you have it but against you if you are lacked of it. The perfect government should govern the country with righteousness and fairness. Unfortunately, this is not the case for Thailand. A great example to prove this predicament is the business bidding process for government projects and/or works. Corruption is on its move to degrade many Asian countries’ economy and development. Thailand is no exception. The problem is said to exist for more than a century and is widely recognized as one of the major
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