In Curing Burns and Scalds
Life Science: Individual
A Science Investigatory Project
In Partial Fulfillment in Research II
Marjelyn L. Tumaca
Ms. May Ann Dimaano
Leuteboro National High School
Leuteboro, Socorro, Oriental Mindoro
June 9, 2009
In this time of crisis, we face economic problems due to high cost of medicine. Other than these problems are the harmful effects of commercial ointments on health. To solve this problem, companies developed many ointments for burns and scalds. But the commercial ointments are expensive. So the researcher opted to make a low-cost ointment from locally available materials.
This study was conceptualized to seek the affectivity of sabila as an ointment for burns and scalds. Aloe vera has always been considered a medicinal plant. This project aims to verify whether aloe has certain chemicals that cab inhibit bacterial growth. It also aims to find the correct of aloe vera to various supplementary chemicals to produce a stable ointment.
Sabila ointment was prepared from aloe vera extract. These were measured and extracted, then pounded the charcoal. The pulverized were strained. Five medium of aloe vera leaves were extracted and when petroleum jelly turns to liquid, all ingredients were added and mixed.
Testing the product includes administration of 15 respondents who gave complained of burns and scalds. The administration lasts for five consecutive days using sabila ointment which shows that it is very effective.
With results, the researcher concludes that sabila ointment is effective in treating burns and scalds.
The researcher would like to extend her profound gratitude to the following for helping her to prepare her write-ups and other things concerning this project:
To Justine’s pharmacy, for being the source of