Simpson claimed that he was asleep at the time of claim. According to his lawyer Johnnie Cochran, Simpson never left his house and he was alone in the house packing in preparation for the trip to Chicago. In opposition to Kaelin’s claims, Johnnie claimed that Simpson went outside through the back exit to hit golf balls and he went ahead to insist that it’s some of these few balls that made three loud thumps on Kaelin’s bungalow wall. He went ahead and produced a witness who confessed that she had seen Simpson’s car parked outside the house at the time the murders were taking place. This was contradicting Parks claim that the Bronco was nowhere to be seen near the house. After a close cross-examination of the witness’s testimonies, prosecutor Clark declined to present them to the jury (Hastie 197). The witness was forced to accept her uncertainty of the precise time she saw Simpson’s Bronco outside the …show more content…
The defense argued that this was done maliciously by the police. They claimed that the police planted false evidence and pinned it on O.J. Simpson out of racism and hate. They also argued that the evidence was not collected from the scene and it had been tampered with. According to DNA analysis, the blood found on socks of Simpson identified to be Nicole’s. In addition to this, the blood found near the Simpsons Bronco showed traces of Simpson’s, Nicole’s and Ronald’s blood. According to the defense, medical expert Dr. Henry Lee testified that the only way such blood would appear was if Simpson had an injury on the ankle or the blood was placed on the socks while it was not used, showing that this was planted evidence. Dr. Henry also testified that the procedure of collection caused contamination and this made the evidence collected by Los Angeles Police Department criminalist Dennis to be highly criticized. Dennis also admitted that he had not used rubber gloves when collecting some of the evidence. Another LAPD detective Mr. Vannatter testified that he saw photographs of person thought to be a press man leaning on Simpsons Bronco before the collection of the evidence(Williams