Throughout the short story, Poe uses powerful descriptions to show what he sees, hears, and feels throughout the dark underground catacomb. As Montresor leads Fortunato farther into the catacomb, he continues to describe the unusual "wine cellar." After descending down the "long and winding staircase" and observing …show more content…
From the beginning, Poe has this story set at night and during a carnival where everyone is wearing masks. After Montresor tricks Fortunato into following him to the catacombs of his unattended estate, where they were enveloped by darkness, death and decay. The farther they went into the catacomb, the farther Fortunato got from fresh air and freedom. The two "passed through a range of low, arches, descended, passed on, and descending again, arrived at a deep crypt, in which the foulness of the air caused out flambeaux rather to glow than flame." This setting of dark passages, bone-filled catacombs, and damp air creates a strong sense of foreboding and foreshadows Fortunato's unfortunate end. In addition, Poe uses tone to create …show more content…
This is made clear by Montresor's choice to sit "down upon the bones" and listen to the lament of Fortunato's "low moaning cry" and the "furious vibrations of the chain" (Poe). In the first paragraph, Monstresor says that the "thousand injuries of Fortunato" he had endured would not only by punished, but punished with impunity. At the carnival, Montresor smiles at Fortunato but states that "he [Fortunato] did not perceive that my [Montresor] smile now was at the thought of his [Fortunato] immolation" (Poe). Continuing with his hate for Fortunato, Montresor always explains to the reader how well he has prepared his plan. Just by reading the story aloud, you can hear the tone in your voice lower and become soft, almost filled with the same hatred that Montresor has for Fortunato.
In conclusion, Edgar Allan Poe uses many literary devices to create mood in his short story "The Cask of Amontillado." He was successful in doing this by using vivid imagery, dark setting, and a revengeful tone. The correct use of literary devices is critical for creating a mood that the author wants to convey throughout the plot. If the author is unsuccessful in doing so, the reader may become confused and frustrated with the story. If Edgar Allan Poe asked you to follow him into a catacomb, would you trust