
The Cask Of The Amontillado By Edgar Allen Poe

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The story of Othello, written by William Shakespeare, has many themes going on between the characters and the world around them.One of the main themes in the play is revenge. Revenge has been on Earth for many centuries, causing wars, deaths and even historical events. It is only human nature to seek comfort in hurting others that have wronged you, your friends or your family. The Cask of the Amontillado, John Tucker Must Die and Deadpool are strong examples of a revenge story. Firstly, The Cask of the Amontillado. The Cask of the Amontillado is a short story written by the thrilling Edgar Allen Poe in 1846. The story is about a man named Montresor, who plans to take action on Fortunato, who had insulted him. “THE thousand injuries of Fortunato I had …show more content…

Deadpool is a action movie that was released in 2016. Deadpool, Wade Wilson, is a sarcastic, not-so-superhero who seeks revenge on a man, Francis, who tested deadly experiments on him to get rid of his terminal cancer. The experiments are tortuous and degrading, causing Wade to possess superpowers as well as an ugly face. Little did Wade know, the experiments were to turn him into a mindless slave so Francis could sell him to villains. “This workshop doesn't make superheroes, we make super-slaves. We're gonna fit you with a control collar and auction you off to the highest bidder. Who know what they'll have you doing? Terrorizing citizens, putting down freedom fighters.” (Deadpool). After the hospital that Wade was located at went up in flames, Francis fled with his crew, thinking all the patients were killed. Wilson had managed to survive due to his superhero powers, leaving him angry and blood hungry. Wilson’s main goal was to seek revenge on Francis and in order to do that, he first had to find him. It took months of killing those connected to Francis, to find out where he was exactly. Once reunited, Deadpool and Francis have a brutal fight, resulting in Deadpool shooting and killing

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