Iconic Australian film, Title – Castle; home figuratively castle, humble household cause humour, Genre – humorous, comedy, satire (mock/ ridicule something), Kerrigans – main family, Working class family, Low budget film, Melbourne setting next to airport – house built on toxic landfill, beneath power lines, Events told by son Dale Kerrigan p.o.v, Australian culture/ identity, Made in 1997 Rob Sitch, Michael Caton father, Stephen Curry son, Humour: created by self-image of Australians – blue collar workers – concept of working class Aus and their place modern Australia, Refers to land rights movement of aboriginals, Darryl Kerrigan draws on explicit parallel between his struggle and the Aboriginal people Mabo case
Main Ideas/ Themes; Justice, Class division, Inequality, Family, Marginalisation of working class by large corporate groups, Value of memories and place as opposed to monetary value, Man’s struggle for equality and justice, Exploitation of disempowered groups (working class) by the empowered group, A satirical view of suburban working class life – home is where the heart is, ,Importance of family and community, unity, comment on the fabric of