These rooms contained long benches that were lined up against the walls as if an assembly was to be held in one of these rooms. In these special rooms, meals were eaten in honor of the deceased. These meals were often like a picnic, where friends and family of a deceased individual could come and eat a meal that honored the dead. Typically wine and bread were served at one of these meals. This meal was often joyful and centered around celebrating the life of a fallen individual instead of morning over their …show more content…
From the burial rituals that the catacombs enabled the Christians to carry out, to providing cover for runaway slaves, the catacombs of Rome were unarguably one of the most unique structures known to ancient Rome. Without these wonderful structures, the burial rituals of the Christians during the ancient times in Rome may have been wiped from the minds of those in Rome, as the bodies of Christians were burned like all the bodies were. Without the catacombs of Rome, countless lives of slaves may have been taken. Without the catacombs of Rome, Christians may not have been allowed to worship their God freely. Therefore, the catacombs of Rome played a profound role in the lives of those living in Rome. With all of this said, the catacombs of the ancient world unarguably proved themselves worth of being called