Unique Number: 842634
Assignment 2: Fiction, Literary Criticism and Drama.
Question (b): Introduction to English Literary Studies
Topic(i): The Catcher in the Rye Instruction
First read the third chapter of Introduction to English Literary Studies (“The Novel”). Then go to p. 102 and answer the questions on The Catcher in the Rye under the heading “Time to Write”.
Write a list of things that Holden says in the first paragraph of the novel and on pages 5-6 that strike you as interesting or as holding some clue to what is to come in his tale.
Write a page explaining what is achieved by the “Flashback” technique of looking back on events that have already happened.
Part 1
In the first paragraph of the novel The Catcher in the Rye, we are introduced to the narrator or writer, Holden. We do not know his name at this point however we are introduced to his character. In this paragraph the reader can assume that a story is going to be told and that it is not going to be a typical autobiography of the character. It appears that Holden is in denial and slightly reluctant to share his story. This gives us as the readers the idea that throughout his tale there will be parts he is ashamed of. Holden mentions his brother in the first paragraph and speaks highly of him ,however, in the same breath refers to him as a “prostitute”. This is where we first see how Holden uses contradiction and is to be expected throughout the novel. The contradiction is also seen when he firstly says he will not be sharing is personal story and then begins to tell it regardless. In a whole the first paragraph paints us a picture of the main character .
There are other interesting things noticed in the first paragraph and on pages 5-6. Here we notice the unusual choice of language and exaggeration used. This shows the reader what age or maturity level that Holden is. In conjunction with use of